This is my latest work featuring the ever-useful EzDrummer Drumkit From Hell. ALL of the drums have been programmed and then exported individually as instrument WAV files. I.e., the kick drum, snare, hi-hat, cymbals, etc. were all exported for individual compression and EQ’ing. Overall, I think Ive gotten a better mix this way especially since I was able to layer several different kick drums together.
The song is called “Red Suns Rays (Beating Down Upon My Back)” and features my buddy Mike Land on lead vocals. Now this is some heavy stuff with LOTS of bass so be sure to keep your sub rather low when you first play this beast. Having only two main lines and a minimalist design, it is basically an art song which borrows heavily form the sounds of such heavy underground acts as Sleep and High On Fire. Despite this lyrical scarcity, however, there is much variation and plenty of vocals to keep the thing rolling.
Please enjoy and any critiques are gladly welcome.
EDIT: And yeah, Its not really “Viking Metal” in any way. It doesn’t even have any Nordic references, lol. But a couple of generations back and my family immigrated from Norway, so that makes it okay. 😉