i was happy to have really great sounds with Ludwig snares with the new heavy rock EZX
but in fact, there is a lack of brightness with many presets so I must adjust the Oh section and if not the cymbals can’t be heard !!!
it’s bad whereas the snare-bass drum sound good
The best sounds were with EZD2 modern, Nashville EZX, DFH EZX so I really want that the next EZX sound like that
I really don’t like the dark sounds of many presets which can not be useful like in progressive EZX (who will use the darkest sound ever ? not useful) , Modern metal EZX
I understand you can not give the same brightness to every EZX but there are some limits and if I add more plugins to have a decent brightnesss, it’s not what I want
i want a good-very good brightness as stock settings so useful in a mix in a second
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This topic was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by
Phenix 2.