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HAving some trouble with SD2 and my new TD 15KV

E-drum Workshop
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  • dom17

    HI mate i have found it can be slow to get answers here so keep checking back and keep googling with regards to your toms what i do is right click the tom in the construct window so that it is blue, the go to the bottom right hand corner to the instrument panel, the instrument listed should be the tom highlighted in blue, then click the learn button so that there is a green light, then hit the pad that you want to be that tom and that should be it. There is a way that you can save this so you dont have to go through this process each time you load your kit, but i haven’t learnt this yet. Depending on which kit will determine which toms are which. Another thing i noticed is that sometimes a kit loads and all you need to do is click the dropdown arrow on the particular tom and change the size e.g 12″ to 14″ As for your hi-hat i’m not sure but the first thing i would do is go back to your TD module and manual and read the section on the hi hat setting and reset the offset . Then go to mapping page in SD and click on presets>nodes> and choose a setting closed no curve etc and find one that suits you hope this helps just keep plugging away, i got so pissed with it that i left it for ages before i started to play with it again

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