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Have set paths to sounds in Superior Drummer and is ticked but not showing kits

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  • Scott Eshleman

    The ‘checkmark’ probably only indicates that the path exists, not that the path is correct for the library.
    I’m not in the studio to view the settings right now, but I believe that you’ve set the path too deep.
    I believe that you’ll want to reference the root folder of each library; i.e. “…/SL-Avatar/” not “…/SL-Avatar/Sounds/”

    Also, your screenshot implies that you’ve used the same setting for each of the libraries.
    The setting will be different and dependent upon the libraries that you’ve purchased and installed.


    @Danibanez said:
    I have installed Superior Drummer and set the sound paths to where Avatar is installed and it shows a “tick” meaning I assume it is successful. however, when I go to use the sounds, they are not there in the “construct” tab and the picture shows an empty kit. there is no option to select the kit on the dropdown menu, simply not there.

    Here is a screenshot, can someone help me understand what is going on?


    First, please register your product to your Toontrack account and download the latest version. Then, if you’re still having problems, please post support questions in the Superior Drummer Support Forum below.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    @Scott E said:
    The ‘checkmark’ probably only indicates that the path exists, not that the path is correct for the library.
    I’m not in the studio to view the settings right now, but I believe that you’ve set the path too deep.
    I believe that you’ll want to reference the root folder of each library; i.e. “…/SL-Avatar/” not “…/SL-Avatar/Sounds/”

    Also, your screenshot implies that you’ve used the same setting for each of the libraries.
    The setting will be different and dependent upon the libraries that you’ve purchased and installed.  

    Ok i have just tried that (set path to SL-Avatar, not all the way to sounds) and it still isn’t working. hmm. not sure whats going on.


    Hi Danibanez,

    please contact Toontrack Support directly by going to:
    so that they can help connect your account with your products.
    Right now you have no registered products and therefore you do not have access to the Support section.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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