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Has anyone been able to edit the EZDrummer content path yet in SD3?

Studio Corner
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  • Scott

    If you’re on Windows and do not have EZdrummer 2, I think the easiest way would be to uninstall all drum sample player plugins (not the sounds!).
    Next, you can re-install the Superior 3 plug-in and perform a Custom install. Then you should be presented with the option to set the location for your ‘EZHOME’ repository, i.e. where all your Toontrack MIDI and EZdrummer EZX:s will be installed, e.g. ‘(Large drive) E:Toontrack’.
    When this is done, you should be able to move the entire ‘EZdrummer’ folder from your system, located either @ ‘C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesToontrackEZDrummer’ or ‘C:Program Files (x86)ToontrackEZDrummer’ to your external drive, in the example above: ‘(Large drive) E:Toontrack’.
    The next time you start SD3, it should pick up the MIDI and EZX:s correctly.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanks Scott for the super quick reply. Just to confirm my understanding – when you say uninstall all drum sample player plugins, you mean uninstall my SD3 ( I don’t have SD2 or EZ2 installed at the moment)?
    Then, when reinstalling SD3 and choosing custom install, are you saying create an EMPTY folder on the larger drive and assign it as the EZHOME repository even if it is empty at this point, because I will be moving content into it AFTER the new installation is complete?
    Finally, does the name of the folder have to be “EZDrummer” for SD3 to pick it up?


    Yes, your S3 plugin.
    Yes, it will be empty until you move the EZdrummer folder.
    I believe the EZdrummer folder will be named that already. That EZdrummer folder is where the EZXs and MIDI are already installed. That folder is the one you want to move to the New drive EZHome location.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hmm, odd. All I was asked was the path to my VST folder (which in my case is the Steinberg Cubase VST Plugins). There was no prompt for the EZHOME repository. Is there another way to do it that you know of? Using v 3.0.1


    @metrosuperstar said:
    Hmm, odd. All I was asked was the path to my VST folder (which in my case is the Steinberg Cubase VST Plugins). There was no prompt for the EZHOME repository. Is there another way to do it that you know of? Using v 3.0.1  

    If you only have S3 and no other Toontrack sampler installed (S2, EZD1/2), you should have a Custom install option when installing.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    DISCLAIMER: This solution involves a VERY SIMPLE registry edit. However, if you are not confident in editing the registry, please do not do so as you can render your system unusable.

    I had the same problem as metrosuperstar (and several other SD3 users). I tried the suggestion from Toontrack FAQ that suggests just moving the EZDrummer folder from C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesToontrackEZDrummer. This just resulted in SD3 telling me no midi files were available. I also tried (several times) to uninstall and re-install SD3. As metrosuperstar pointed out, once you have already had SD3 installed, uninstalling and re-installing does not give me an option for any locations other than the 64-bit vst.

    Soooooo…..I found out that this is because uninstalling does not clear out all of the registry entries. With a little digging, I found the registry entry for the EZX directory and changed the registry key to my external drive. Everything now works like a charm!! and my many GB of EZXs are now no longer taking up space on my small operating system SSD.

    BTW, all of this is in Windows 10 64-bit, but should be the same in any 64-bit Windows version from Windows 7 on. The registry key to modify is as follows:



    Thanked by: DigitalShaman

    OMG You are a GENIUS BWark! Now, if only this had been discovered weeks ago I could have saved myself the expense of buying a 1TB SSD upgrade for my C drive! LOL… Thanks for posting your solution! 🙂


    BWark, you did it! You’ve just saved hours of work. Thank you!


    I can’t move EZX expansion libraries :/

    I tried to move the EZDrummer folder from C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Toontrack\EZDrummer where is predefined for installs to an external drive and they wont show after choosing the folder with the browser..I also don’t get the option to choose a destination path after uninstalling everyhing from Toontrack.

    I’ve tried the regedit method but the path key is not showing in the list, so is there any other way to move them from the C drive?

    Can’t find this specific key: “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWOW6432NodeToontrackSuperiorEZDrummerHomePath”

    However I changed all other paths on the regedit to where I want the EZX libraries to be located (L drive) but besides the ResourcePath because then the software won’t work…anyone?

    • This post was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by ErnestoDDM.

    I just found a definitive solution to this problem…basically the only thing you have to do is install EZ Drumer 1.0 (or some other version) and choose where you want to install all contents…suddenly all your packs that are on the C drive won’t work anymore…but everything will work perfectly if you uninstall all them properly and install them to the new location (which will appear automatically as the one you defined) 😉

    Here is the proof and I hope this helps someone in the world.

    • This post was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by ErnestoDDM.
    Guido Maat

    Except for one small issue… I do not own EZDrummer, neither 1 nor any other. I simply own a couple of EZX’s I use in Superior Drummer 3.

    Toontrack, The original post dates 2017… It’s 2019… Is there really no other way then to manually edit my registry to make this work…??

    Olof Westman
    Forum Crew

    Since 3.1 (i.e. Feb 2018) you can browse for the EZX directory in Settings>Library if it is missing.
    So if you want move that directory, just move it. Then start SD3 and browser for the new location.
    Then SD3 will prompt you to restart and your done.

    Olof Westman - Toontrack

    Johann Müller

    Ich habe den Pfad für Superior Drummer 3 geändert. Im SD3 auch. Es geht auch alles gut, bis

    auf die EZ Reggae CD. Ich hab sie auf dem PC installiert, im SD3 kommt sie aber nicht an.

    Der Pfad  im SD  Additional Libraries   lässt sich auch nicht mehr ändern.Weiß nicht mehr


    Am alten PC war alles auf dem C-Laufwerk und ging problemlos.Ich habe schon einige Antworten

    durchgelesen, aber ich schaffe es einfach nicht.


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