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Hard kick hit triggers cymbals – how to adjust

E-drum Workshop
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  • Juicy

    On the module
    for cymbals adjust their “Threshold” upwards a bit from 1 or 2 to 3 or 4
    Something from your kick must be touching the rack and thats causing the problem or are you using an XM kit or Rack ?
    If you also make the sensitivity Higher on the Kick you will get louder hits a bit easier then really hitting it too hard.
    I have my kick sens at around 20+, will help get more consistent mid to hi level hits and also help reduce your problem as well.


    Thank you Juicy!

    I will take a look at what you mentioned. I use the roland Rack and the kick is isolated from the cymbals. I tried hitting the rack to make it vibrate and it did not “trigger” the problem. Only when I play. I even looked at the Xtalk feature in the module and everything is OK. As an additional information; It does not happen when I play with the module only. Only when I use EZD2

    More feedback to come!


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