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Guitar and dream pop

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  • onewayout_1

    Hey NICE stuff Man! BIG THICK guitar, cool song GREAT vox too! LOVED the reverb trail on I think the 2nd verse…? Recorded & mixed in 4 hrs sweeeet…You may have already given it a second listen to by now my only tomato/tomaato is this… the drums kinda need a space similar to all your other mix…the frequencies seem to just be stepping all over the rest of the mix a bit…(like a cloudy/muddy sound to me…)

    Thx for this, jeff


    @onewayout_1 said:
    Hey NICE stuff Man! BIG THICK guitar, cool song GREAT vox too! LOVED the reverb trail on I think the 2nd verse…? Recorded & mixed in 4 hrs sweeeet…You may have already given it a second listen to by now my only tomato/tomaato is this… the drums kinda need a space similar to all your other mix…the frequencies seem to just be stepping all over the rest of the mix a bit…(like a cloudy/muddy sound to me…)

    Thx for this, jeff  

    Thanks for listening and commenting! And I agree that frequency separation could have been better. I need to learn how to slow down, I think. 🙂

Viewing 2 replies - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)

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