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Groove Tutorial

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  • godprobe

    One thing that’s helped me a bit, given some insight on what your talking about, is actually a podcast from Pandora (the internet radio site)…

    Sometimes it’s *very* basic, but it may help for areas of music you may not yet have explored.

    I haven’t kept up with it, but it looks like the latest episode actually focuses on jazz drumming. 🙂

    WinXP | Fireface 800 | Variax | Axe-Fx | Toontrack | Komplete | Reaper

    Brian Bowman

    Thanks ‘gp’. I really dug that pandora podcast. That’s definitely the vein I’d like to see in a set of “Groove Tutorials” -except using Superior 2 and the Toontrack (and possibly GrooveMonkee) MIDI loops for the examples.

    In the meantime, I’m listening a lot to the ToonTrk/GrvMnkE MIDI Grooves (and also using EZPlayer to select various subsets of the kit pieces)- then comparing that with classic Jazz/Soul/R&B songs, etc. where I pretty much understand how the other instrument parts work.

    I also plan to hook up with my former Jazz teacher who is a serious pro-level Guitarist of 30+ years for some lessons on how to craft guitar parts that fit some of the cooler funk and jazz grooves, odd-time signatures, etc.. He can cover just about any genre in the Jazz/Blues,R&B/Groove world and has played/recorded with many top players. Hopefully this will get me deeper into working with the Toontrack stuff in my own music.



    hey guysi recently just bought superior with the metal foundry expansion pack along with the library of extreme of extreme death and thrash how ever does sd and mf come with any other fills, or do u just have to buy them like the library packs? b/c the the death and thrash opened up just fine, but other then that my other midi files are empty. any help would be much appreciated. thanks guys cheers


    Are you browsing the MIDI files using the MIDI groove browser in S2?

    You should have 2 sections in the Groove browser in S2 under the LOTE II. One section named ‘Death/Thrash Grooves’ and the other named ‘Fills’.

    BTW, you should also have MIDI groove libraries to download from your Toontrack account for the N.Y. Avatar library as well as TMF SDX. All have fills included.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    You can also visit Groove Monkee and Odd Grooves
    Both have free sample packs with lots of grooves in different styles.

    2004 Fender American Stratocaster Marshall MG 250 Digitech GNX4 Guitar Workstation Novation Impuse 49 Scarlett 8i6 Presonus Eris 5 monitors Sonar X3 Pro Win7 HP 64 Gigabyte GA-B75M-D3H Intel i5 3470(3rd gen) 3.2GHz 16GB RAM (2)1TBHDD


    awesome dude, thanks alot! thats exactly wut i was looking for thanks for the help again dude, cheers!

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