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Groove names in song structure

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • Bryan Block


    If you right click on the part, you will see a menu. Under the “Find” option, you can tell it to locate the file in the browser – so you can immediately find the “source” file again.
    If you use the “Add to User MIDI” option, it will allow you to rename the file to whatever you choose.

    I hope that helps.


    Creativity is a Work Ethic.


    Hi Bryan,

    yes thanks, the “Find” option helps a little bit. But using the “Add to User MIDI” option means to drag every maybe useful groove to User MIDI.
    When dragging this into the “song structure”, the new name isn’t visible again.
    In the mean time I found out, that the name on top of the part is the “Power Hand” followed with the “articulation” type, e.g.”Hi-Hat | Tight Edge”

    Does anybody know if TOONTRACK works on a part name/rename feature and if it will be available in some time?


    Thanked by: KurtMuellner
    Bryan Block

    I see.

    Alternately, you can “Star” the grooves you like in the Search tab (making them “favorites”) and then sort them by favorites by just clicking on the star at the top of that column, and then dragging over only the ones you really want to keep for a particular song into the user area.

    Also, although you might not be able to change the names in the way you would like, you also have the option of using the color codes.

    A workflow suggestion: Create a new folder for each song you are working on in the user area as a repository for all the MIDI that you might want to use for that song.

    Creativity is a Work Ethic.


    I see the same behavior now in Superior Dummer 3 and find it very annoying. This should be a relatively simple request – to make the block title configurable, so we can use a Groove folder field other than Power Hand – e.g. Name.

    That would achieve what multitask07 is asking for, which is particularly useful in a songwriting workflow – it’s not really at all useful for me to know the Power Hand, but I would love to be able to quickly correlate subsections of a 16-bar verse, for instance.


    I see the same behavior now in Superior Dummer 3 and find it very annoying. This should be a relatively simple request – to make the block title configurable, so we can use a Groove folder field other than Power Hand – e.g. Name.

    That would achieve what multitask07 is asking for, which is particularly useful in a songwriting workflow – it’s not really at all useful for me to know the Power Hand, but I would love to be able to quickly correlate subsections of a 16-bar verse, for instance.

    I totally agree and ask for the same function. In my DAW I can easily insert whatever marker I want, with the name I want, but in SD3 I can’t have always a matching label, because of the limited choices.


    Thanked by: KurtMuellner

    Ok this is complete BS! I’m a working TV/film composer, how the crap am I supposed to know what pattern name I’m working with?? WTH !
    Guys, I buy a lot of stuff from you, but this is programming 101 stuff. This is a huge pain in my a**. Put the fraking label on the pattern part in song creator for Christ’s sake.


    Hello I agree, come on guys they should be fairly simple. I’m killing myself by trying to find these midi loops, in other songs..


    please fix  NOWWWWWWWW .


    Thanked by: KurtMuellner and Katlove

    Wow, as a new user of EZDrummer, I tried somme groove in one of my song. Excited by the good sound and feel, I didn’t take care of the name… after some days, I would like to retrieve the groove behind the Hi-hat Tight Edge, and I am not able. When I click on find – to select container in grooves, the option is grey and not available. Maybe, I just modified some Kick for fun… and this work is lost… I have my groove in Studio one in one track… I would like to get it on separate tracks… And I don’t to do that manually… I feel very bad about the process behind assigning a name by EZDrummer.

    I don’t understand the rational behind this way to work.


    Note added after : finally, I found it! But it was luck!!!

    • This post was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by sensyb.
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