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graphics in EZ Drummer 2

E-drum Workshop
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  • Scott Eshleman

    no. not currently.
    i’m guessing that some of the X-drum functionality of SuperiorDrummer2 do not lend (readily) themselves to the graphic stylings of EZD2
    (or not without REALLY cluttering up the aesthetics of those graphics).


    wondering if I use EZ drummer for building a drum track then drop in the SD.2 midi track for more detailed eq, panning, etc? might be a way to handle it.

    Loving the expanded utilities in SD2!!!!!!!! big time loving it !LaughLaughLaugh

    Scott Eshleman

    @bflatman said:
    wondering if I use EZ drummer for building a drum track then drop in the SD.2 midi track for more detailed eq, panning, etc? might be a way to handle it.

    Loving the expanded utilities in SD2!!!!!!!! big time loving it !LaughLaughLaugh  

    many use that exact process.
    purpose-built tools used to a unified end result.

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