Going from EzDrummer original to EXpansion

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • Juicy

    Midi is just Midi .( Timing of notes, playing )

    All EZX packs ( Sounds or Samples,Drums what ever you call them ) sound different but the saved MIDI will be the same so reprogramming wont change any thing much.

    EZx have Snare rim shots and Double kicks mapped differently (midi note numbers) so some times fine tuning may be needed.

    Hope that makes sense.

    Jason Hood

    Even if an Ezdrummer library is derived from the same session as a Superior library, they will sound different. The Ezdrummer samples will be processed into mix ready sounds, as opposed to superiors raw, unprocessed, flexible starting point. In your case where it sounds like you want to upgrade to superior and open existing projects, the Superior version will probably sound less impressive initially.

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