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"Free up disc space" feature?

Product Manager
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  • Henrik

    “Free Up Disc Space” deletes the downloaded files. If you have installed the downloaded products, they aren’t necessary.

    You may want to keep them if you want to avoid downloading the products in the future, if you want to install the products again (after a computer re-install for example), but you can always download the products again if you want to.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    Andy Selway

    I’m still not quite understanding this! so, my product manager says i can free up 416 GB of disk space, this would be great! my SD3 sound library is on an external drive, as is my EZ drummer Folder with all sounds, EZX’s etc. So what exactly. and where exactly, is this 416 GB being cleared from? if i undersatnd correctly all my sounds and everything will remain and everything will still work but i’ll have 416 GB more disk space?!! how?!

    Andy Selway


    You can check the Product Manager Preferences to see where your downloads folder is located.

    If you open this location in the Finder/Explorer, you will see the downloaded installer files that will be cleared.




    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Besides from what John wrote, this is how it works:

    • When you download a product from Toontrack, you download installer files, which are run by Product Manager when the download is finished.
      • When the installer software is used, it copies the content from the downloaded installer files, to where they have been chosen to be installed.
    • After this is done, the downloaded installer files aren’t necessary to keep, since the product is installed to another place on your hard drive, or to another drive.

    Does this make it clearer for you?

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    • The post has been modified 2 times, last modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Henrik.
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