For Sale: Legacy of Rock SDX

The Pub
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  • Scott2300

    Hi! I super want this library but I’m flat broke.  BUT…I have an idea that might work well for you. I have several EZX and SDX libraries I’d be willing to trade. You would have to pick up the license transfer fees, because again, I’m broke, but you could then either hold on to the libraries or sell for whatever price you choose. Look at the following list of libraries, and let me know which ones you would want in exchange for Legacy of Rock. I’d be willing to give all three SDX’s, OR all four EZX’s.


    New York Vol. I

    New York Vol. II



    Death Metal

    Drums of Destruction

    Hard Rock

    Made of Metal


    Let me know if you are interested


    • This post was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Scott2300.

    Could you sell it for 100?


    Hey if it’s still available I’ll pick it up for your asking price

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