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Focusrite Scarlett Solo [3rd Gen] & EZ Drummer 3

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  • Shootie

    There could be more details, but I will make an assumption…

    The Roland TD27 plugs into your computer via USB to transmit midi. EZDrummer now receives the USB midi signal. EZdrummer then sends that sound to your audio interface so you can hear it. The audio interface should have headphones or speakers plugged into it.

    *if you plug the analog outputs of you Roland into the audio interface, that means you want to record/hear the Roland sounds, not the EZDrummer sounds.

    Setting up Audio with Toontrack here.

    Setting up midi with Toontrack here.

    EZD3 Tutorials | EZBass Tutorials | Toontrack themed FB Group | Toontrack themed Discord Group


    Thanked by: ryankinnin

    Thanks for the quick response and links to those videos.

    Originally, I did plug the TD27 into the PC directly via USB but due to issues you alluded to in your video, latency was a problem which is what led me to attempting to use the audio interface to take some of the load.

    So, currently, my connection is TD27 (L Mono) –> out to the audio interface –> audio interface to computer via USB –> headphones connected to the audio interface. I can hear the Roland sounds through the headphones. In EZDrummer, I’m selecting ‘ASIO’ as the audio device type, Focusrite as the device and the output channel available. I am however not seeing anything under ‘Active MIDI input’, which given the Focusrite Scarlett Solo does not support MIDI does make sense I suppose. I could not figure out however how (if possible) EZDrummer can recognise the audio input if there are no options to select from. When hitting ‘record’, I obviously am not seeing any audio.

    Based on what you mentioned, I should actually be connecting from the TD27 to computer via USB for the input, then getting the output to the audio interface so I’ll give that a go.

    I seen another video where the person was using another version of Focusrite with Midi out/in ports, and they were connecting their Drum module (Midi out) to their Focusrite (Midi In) and using EZDrummer. That leads me to wonder, should the Drum Module be going out to the computer, or the audio interface, or is it dependent on if the audio interface supports Midi?

    Thank you

    • This post was modified 11 months, 3 weeks ago by ryankinnin.
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