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Final Bounce is so frustrting

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  • lee_ell1

    I have read every reply on this topic and am still sitting here wondering exactly how to get a stereo file with an exact match of the audio I get in SD3. I’ve spent about two weeks working with multiple projects and perfecting each plugin on the Sub Group Busses and then MOST IMPORTANTLY the Out 1/2 Master Fader. The Busses have Tape Sim/Comp/Eq that feed into the Out 1/2 with a perfect amount FX layering that is really something I can’t replicate in a DAW, it is just a rabbit hole of FX that took me too long to perfect for punchiness and clarity. It was a nightmare when I realized I couldn’t export this as a simple Stereo Wav bounce that I can mix with other instruments or slightly re-tweak snare levels e.g. and export again later.

    MAIN THING here is the disappoinment of a simple lack of rendering capability within the program! If each mic is routed to a Group and then routed to the Main Out 1/2 with an FX strip then shouldn’t I be able to simply render my mix as a Stereo Wav with all of the Groups getting hit with the final FX?? I read a few replies explaining how to re route each mic fader to separate Outs for exporting as separate files, instead of each mic fader pre mixer. I have no interest in pre mixer at this point. I tried a few different ways of exporting separate Outs (1/2 3/4..). But AGAIN that is not in any way even close to what I’m looking for. The defining sound is in the way the FINAL MASTER FX strip hits everything. And the most incredible part is one of the mixes I have with a MASTER Echo on it, the exported WAV results with different echo timing than my 1/8 notes and even varying tempos on the drum groove upon every export! And as others have already stated multiple times the dB and clarity is just atrocious on the exported wavs. What is really going on here? SD3 simply can’t handle the load of FX upon rendering.

    If there is a way to get a simple rendering of all mic channels > Groups > Main Out 1/2 with a perfect replication of the quality in the Program or a simple work around with a few different Outs and copying FX strips to get something very very close can someone please explain in plain english? For the amount of money this program should have this ESSENTIAL BASIC NEED AND WANT! Absolutely unbelievable! THE FINAL FX STRIP IS VERY IMPORTANT!


    Thanked by: beebeeveevee and HodSaridDrums

    Hi lee_ell1,

    would it be possible for you to zip an SD3 project where the Stereo output of the plugin does not match with a Bounce through the Mixer, with the MIDI on the Song Track?


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I bounced files today, and opened them in Logic Pro. The drums sound absolutely horrible! I’ve read through this thread, and a few others based on this same topic in this forum. Most of what everyone is talking about, is way above my level of skill/ understanding. Long story short; is there an ‘easy’ way to get the same sounds that I’m hearing through the SD3 program, bounced down for export to another program?


    You go to the Song Track’s ‘Track’ menu tab and select ‘Export Song As Audio File(s)’.
    Check the ‘Bounce Loop Area’ if you do not wish to Bounce the entire Song Track.
    Click the ‘Advanced’ tab to make sure ‘Bounce Output Channels’ is selected and nothing else.
    This should render a Bounce that sounds like what you hear when listening to what’s on your Song Track, unless you have routed drums to separate outputs but I guess that’s not the question.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Iv’e been reading all comments here.  I am slowly coming to the understanding that it is not possible to bounce multiple channels after they are mixed in SD3 mixer. you can only bounce the Master output 1+2 channel – if you like the sound you mixed on the plugin. you can manipulate the plugin and export separated channels via the master out – one at a time – but that’s not what everybody here want – and came here to look for.
    this is very strange, but it seems that a software that costs so much won’t enable the most common necessity for mixing – unless I am wrong! been looking for the solution for many hours now… if I can’t use the mix I am hearing in the plugin – why should I use it at all ?
    pls Toontrack – tell me what can I do about this.


    Thanked by:, beebeeveevee and Sparky United

    DUDE I have the same f*&*&*** problem its driving me nuts.


    Thanked by:

    Actually I was so wrong about this, and maybe have misled other users in this forum. Of course you can bounce multiple channels. Sorry guys!  I’m now using SD3 for over 2 years, it is pretty simple and basic to do this and more. U just have to learn how to work with the plug-in’s internal mixer. After you get the hang of it, u will understand why they did it this way.  I actually learned a lot about sound and mix engineering by using sd3. It’s not the most intuitive maybe, but it is really smart and capable software. There are tons of tutorials out there that show how to do exactly that, but in short, u need to open more “out” channels in the mixer and / or in your DAW. If you don’t know how to that be patient and research the subject a little it’s not that complicated. The strange thing though is that Toontrack doesn’t respond to any questions in this forum, this the first place costumers are gonna come to look for answers, this is possible vis website in any company that I bought software before. So, yeah really annoying, but still nothing like Sd3 out there.


    Thanked by: and John
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