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File export type

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  • Shootie

    EZD2 only exports a .Wav file at 44.1k @ 16 or 24bit.

    There are many free ways to convert a .wav to .mp3. You may already have software on your computer that can do it.

    I believe Davinci Resolve supports .wav files. I think you’re all set. People do have plenty of audio import issues, but it’s case sensitive and something you have to work out when it happens….

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    Thanked by: MCBs

    I am about to pull the trigger and buy this software.  I just wanted confirmation that it would work on DaVinci Resolve and YouTube.  I do play drums, but when I recorded drum licks for the channel, the files are corrupted somehow on Davinci and YouTube.  I believe it was the speed at which I was recorded.  Very frustrating.

    So I just want to go for this software and forget recording myself live.




    You’ll figure it out. What program do you currently record in and what settings to you use when you export?

    EZD3 Tutorials | EZBass Tutorials | Toontrack themed FB Group | Toontrack themed Discord Group

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