I’ve been looking for a drum program to use for recording songs. I’m using Hydrogen at the moment, but can’t seem to work with it for adding reverb for individual parts of the drums. I found EZdrummer 2 from an Ola Englund YouTube video and I LOVE the metal drum kit samples. However, I’d like to see these options for EZD3.
– China cymbals (for metal kits)
– Choke crash cymbals option
– Hi-hat bark option
– Have volume adjustment for every instrument, not just kick, snare, hi-hat and toms.
Also, would be cool to separate sections of the snare, hi-hat and ride for different articulations. Something like:
– Highlight whole hi-hat for hi-hat sound
– Highlight key for barked notes
– Highlight the foot pedal for pedal hits
– Highlight whole ride for bow hits
– Highlight bell for bell hits
And maybe give an option for two snares (one for the snare on and the other for off; highlight rim for sidestick hits) and two hi-hats (one for open and the other for closed).