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Feature Requests for EZKEYS (Key & Time Signature, Song Creator, My Favorites)

Requests and Feedback
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  • Henrik

    Thanks for your feedback, the ideas are noted!

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    It would be great to have “Tap 2 Find”



    First of all, I’m a very happy customer. Your product line rocks!

    Three years have already passed. Is ‘Time Signature Change’ feature at least on the roadmap? It’s a real pity to have everything synced with S3 and DAW and EZKeys lagging behind.



    Jorge O


    Is ‘Time Signature Change’ feature at least on the roadmap?

    No, this is not on our priority list of things to do. If it was an easy task we would have done it already, but it’s a really large operation (technically).

    May I suggest that when you have edited the MIDI in EZkeys – drag it to your host DAW and disable Follow Host. When you want to edit the MIDI, remove the MIDI from the DAW, then enable Follow Host and do the changes in EZkeys, then drag it to DAW again, and disable Follow Host…

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    • This post was modified 6 years ago by Henrik.
    Jason Lindsey

    Does this mean that time signature changes will not be available in the new Bass instrument?  That would make it nearly unusable for anything more complex than SIMPLE pop and rock.


    I agree with the above comments regarding the need to change time signatures while in the MIDI window.


    I, as well, am a big fan of your products and own a great many.  So, thanks for your good work.


    Does this mean that time signature changes will not be available in the new Bass instrument?  That would make it nearly unusable for anything more complex than SIMPLE pop and rock.

    No, that’s not the case. New products, such as Superior Drummer 3, and the upcoming EZbass, are built on a new platform that makes things like this much easier to implement.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    John Gleadall

    I’d like to lend my voice to the requests for key and time changes! Also – I have almost all of the existing EZkeys midi libraries – is there a plan to create EZbass and Superior drummer midi files to match with existing libraries? These products are so useful and inspiring!


    Since nothing has happened for half a decade, I’d like to bump this thread too!

    And considering it has been such a long time, its disappointing that EZKeys has been literally left to rot. Surely this archaic and clunky, but potentially extremely useful programme deserves a solid update after all these years of neglect?


    If they have abandoned the project, fine, but they have a moral and ethical responsibility to sell software that works. EZKeys doesn’t work at all as of June 2022, yet Toontrack continues to sell the nonfunctional products and expansions, to make false claims that the product is just fine, and do nothing to support their product. This is both immoral, unethical, disrespectful, arrogant  and probably illegal.
    They owe us paying customers an explanation, and failing that, pull the products from the market.

    Just for the record, new DAWs have a feature called the chord track, which essentially does the same thing as EZKeys, minus the cool midi packs they make(which are great but useless outside of the non-functioning EZKeys. Except, I just figured out a way to extract the midi for use externally, though the process is slow and clunky, at least I can use the midipacks I paid good money for.

    Its a shame, really, because EZKeys was once a wonderful product and one of my absolute favorite. Not any more.
    Other Toontrack products  I own, like EZBass and EZDrums 2 (and3) are absolutely fantastic.

    Toontrack, your silence tells us everything we need to know about you as a company and as people.


    i’ve no issue with EZKeys.  seems to work just fine.

    Keith Dunwoody


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