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Feature request for keys view

Requests and Feedback
  • Billy 86

    Would be helpful to have the option to have a more downward view of the GUI piano keys. It’s tough to see and interact with them in the current view where you’re looking nearly straight on instead of more downward. Thanks.

    SD3, EZD, EZ Keys 1&2, EZ Bass. Win10, i9/9900, all SSDs, 64g RAM, Cakewalk, Studio One

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  • BigDon1976

    Ok I have an Roland R8mkii
    Setting on the drum machine where turn on or off the instruments on the note names/note numbers after pressing button number 3.

    Then Select MIDI

    Then the instrument list that’s on the display example: instrument name/G#5 by pressing (-) for off pressing for + on holding down shift Key simultaneously.

    Can you apply the same function too Superior Drummer 3 on the Mac ?


    Thank you

    Darnice Linton

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