I would like the ability to add and assign an instrument to a kit in SD3 and have it be “global”!
For example, adding a tambourine to the loaded kit in SD3 but having it remain “sticky” whenever I switch to another kit/preset.
I have a full roland kit with more pads/cymbals than most of the SD3 kits so it would be great if I could assign these extra triggers to aux percs or 808 sounds and have them be sticky so I dont have to modify every preset that came with the SD3 kits – otherwise my list of available patches will get super long!!
This way I would always have aux percs or electronic kit sounds assigned to my pad rims even if I load an acoustic kit in SD3 because I would have flagged these pad rims assignments as “sticky”/global “instruments”.
It is VERY tedious otherwise to go and add this piece to every single kit one at a time (also thereby also overwriting the original presets)
Hope I explained it clearly 🙂