I see that at a 3rd party reseller, I can get either the EZDrummer2 + EZX package OR EXDrummer2 + Songwriters Midi Bundle (the 6 of them in one) for roughly the same price.
I am more of a song writer, if that helps, but I also like having the drums sound like they do in my mind. I write more hard rock (30 seconds to Mars, Iron Maiden), but more of a for-movie type rock – epic sound tracks, that might even take on a post rock sound and even go all the way to orchestral type pieces that you would find in Lord of the Rings.
I know there is a Post Rock EZX that I was considering, but I have a fear that the stock midi files in EZD2 might not have all the midi files that I am looking for. Simply put, I don’t know enough about the products to know if the included materials will be enough for me.
So, knowing a little about me and knowing more about the products than I; would I have more value with the Song Writers Midi Packs Bundle or the one free EZX Bundle, when purchasing EZD2?
Thank you in advance!