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EZX Kits show no graphics or mixer in SD3 UNTIL …

Product Manager
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  • John


    could you please specify what you mean with no graphics and no mixer? Or rather post a screen shot?
    Is this valid for all your EZX:s?
    Have you made any Custom installation or are you using Defaults?
    Have you applied any updates recently for your EZX:s?


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hi John,

    Thank you for your speedy response! I appreciate that very much.

    I have all my sounds on a second drive, and they have been fine in SD2 and setup all well. SD3 actually loads the sounds from every set I have, but only shows the kit graphics for some. A square announcement says I need to update a kit when no graphics show, but, again, they all are there ready to play — just no pictures, no mixer, no kit options. UNTIL I RESCALE! Crazy, then the graphics, mixer and options all show up.

    I have tried the updating, and it seemed to work for some of them. The EZX kits that show up on loading have subdirectories that say GraphicsV2 and GraphicsV3 in them. The ones that need resizing do not have these directories. Just the top dir with lots of png/bmp files and the “Sounds” directory.

    I have had some very frustrating times with the online and desktop product manager updates. It keeps telling me that some of the updates still need to be done, even after they download and I run them and they seem to work fine. I’ve almost given up on that, but that being said, I don’t see a clear correlation between the ones that don’t load at first and the update mysteries.

    Anyway, I’m encouraged that only a resize seems to make them work! I hope it’s a quick fix, although it only takes a second to do it.


    It seems like something is wrong with your EZX paths. Please open Applications > Utilities > Terminal, copy the following text lines all at once and paste them in Terminal. Then post the results here (copy all text from Terminal) so I can see if there is anything strange.

    defaults read com.toontrack.superior.auezdrummer SourcePath
    defaults read com.toontrack.superior.superior2 | grep SL_Path | grep EZX
    defaults read /Users/Shared/Toontrack/Preferences/com.toontrack.superior.auezdrummer SourcePath
    defaults read /Users/Shared/Toontrack/Preferences/com.toontrack.superior.superior2 | grep SL_Path | grep EZX
    ls -leOd /Library/Application Support/EZDrummer
    ls -leOd /Library/Application Support/EZDrummer/Midi

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack


    Thank you, Olof.

    I’m in Windows 7.



    Oh, I’m sorry. In that case, please open Command Prompt and copy/paste these four commands there (use the right-click menu because ctrl-v doesn’t work), one by one.

    reg query HKCUSOFTWARE /v HomePath /S
    reg query HKLMSOFTWARE /v HomePath /S
    reg query HKCUSOFTWARE /v SL_Path*EZX*
    reg query HKLMSOFTWARE /v SL_Path*EZX*

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack


    Okay, I have these results, but they don’t copy and paste so I’ll typre them out later.

    BUT, Olof, do you think that the information I have shared that the pictures and mixer show up AFTER I RESCALE THE VIEW helps us understand something here?

    It’s not like it’s all missing; more like it only needs a graphics-action command (“rescale”) to start using the graphics AND the mixer properly. Isn’t that weird (and interesting)?


    Right-click in the Command Prompt and select “Mark”, select the text, right-click again. That copies it. Strange but yeah. Or you could take a screenshot.

    Yes it’s interesting but I suspect it “incorrectly” starts to use graphics from a different path when you rescale.

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack


    C:UsersStudio>reg query HKCUSOFTWARE /v HomePath /S

    HomePath REG_SZ C:Program FilesToontrackEZX

    HomePath REG_SZ C:Program FilesToontrackEZX


    C:UsersStudio>reg query HKLMSOFTWARE /v HomePath /S

    HomePath REG_SZ C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesToontrackEZDrummer


    C:UsersStudio>reg query HKCUSOFTWARE /v SL_Path*EZX*

    End of search: 0 match(es) found.

    AND …

    C:UsersStudio>reg query HKLMSOFTWARE /v SL_Path*EZX*

    End of search: 0 match(es) found.


    No matter what the outcome, THANK YOU, Olof! Very much.

    Again, my sound files are all in F:Superior Drummer Sounds.

    I find copies of the Jazz and Vintage and Funkmasters in CProgram Files (x86)Common FilesToontrackEZDrummer as well, but removing them makes no difference to program functionality.

    Complete copies of all my EZXpansions are in F:



    The EZX/MIDI installers and updaters use the path in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeToontrackSuperiorEZDrummer, that is, they install to “C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesToontrackEZDrummer”.

    I forgot the “/S” flag for the 3rd and 4th commands but if you say your EZXs are on the F: drive, I’m sure those commands would have shown that you have added all individual EZX paths in the SD2 Settings. That “ADD PATH TO LIBRARY” button was only intended to be used for SDXs. All EZXs and the “Midi” folder should be in the same location, a location that was possible to choose when you installed SD2.

    If you have the EZXs in “F:Superior Drummer Sounds” and want to keep them there, you can use the following commands to repair the paths so that all Toontrack software and installers use this location for the EZXs. Carefully copy/paste the 3 commands to Command Prompt, one by one.

    reg add HKLMSOFTWAREWOW6432NodeToontrackSuperiorEZDrummer /f /v HomePath /d “F:Superior Drummer Sounds”
    reg delete HKCUSOFTWAREToontrackSuperiorEZDrummer /f /v HomePath
    reg delete HKCUSOFTWAREWow6432NodeToontrackSuperiorEZDrummer /f /v HomePath

    Let me know if you get any errors from those. I don’t think you should.

    Also, open SD3, go to Settings > Libraries and remove all EZX expansions that are listed there (Remove Library / Remove Path in the menus). Only Superior Drummer libraries (whose folder names start with SL-) should be there. (The EZXs may be missing from the library menu after that but it’s only until the next time you start SD3.)

    Quit SD3, open Toontrack Product Manager, install/update everything, and you should be alright.

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack


    Olof, (and John)

    This is exemplary assistance and communication! I appreciate that so much, and hope that my issue here stands as testimony to your expertise, responsiveness and care for a customer. Truly.

    All of this worked! SD3 now shows EZXs in a separate header and all the updates gave me the V2Graphics and immediate loading!

    Bravo! Very comprehensive knowledge, Olof! Take care!


    Awesome, happy to hear. Smile

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack


    Just out of technical puzzlement, what do you think was going on when it would create the graphics once I rescaled?

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