Anyone using any of the ezdrummer expansion kits for a rock and roll punky kind of sound? I listened to some of the metal ones and they are kind of cheesy and too much metal for my tastes. Sort of looking for something not so polished as the stock kit that comes with the software? The vintage kit sounded cool, as did the Americana??
All suggestions are welcome however. Also if you have some samples of your own using a particular EZX for a punk rockish kind of stuff i would like to hear it. Reply with a link if you want.
I guess while i am asking and have you here, say i do get an expansion kit, if i wanted to have that kit perform on my track is it just a matter of switching the kit, or do i have to go and reinsert all the midi notes back in again? I have spent a good deal of time tweaking and tapping out some custom stuff i wouldn’t really want to have to start all the drums over again?
Thanks alot everyone.