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EZMix2 Incredibly Noisy and Can’t Get rid of dry signal

Studio Corner
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  • Juicy

    are you using as an insert of send/return effect


    No, I am just applying the plugin directly on the channel as I would any other plugin effect. – Thanks


    But actually even the Stand Alone version of EZMix2 just feeds back and screams and doesn’t give any kind of sound I can work with, regardless of the Audio Setup I choose. I have tried every configuration. So it might be that the fact that I am going into a mixer and directly into the Mac has something to do with it. But I mean surely the Stand Alone version should work. I have guitar direct in to mixer output via Tape Output to Mac. Then the Mac Audio Out goes back into stereo Line In on the mixer.


    It sounds like a feedback loop to me. I have no problems here running through my interface connected to my MacBook Pro .

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Yes, it seems to be a feedback loop. But I have not been able to find a way to fix it. Do I need to buy an Audio Interface to get past this? I have always just muted the right channel and recorded mono into the left, but it is not working in this instance.

    Peter Toth

    The same problem here. I can’t understand how a fully digital effect can be so noisy. Even my whole-tube amp and analog pedals don’t create so much noise. The dry signal is a problem as well, can’t find a solution for that either. Previously it worked fine, I don’t know if it depends on updates that gone wrong?
    It would be great to have an official answer from Toontrack and instructions to handle this very annoying problem.



    the OP 4 years ago obviously had problems because of how he connected his guitar to his computer.
    How are you getting your signal into your computer?
    Which OS are you on? Which version of EZmix2 are you using? Is it any Preset in particular?


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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