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EzMix – Guitar gods – Noise problem

Studio Corner
  • Hey everyone,

    I recently bought Guitar gods 3 expansion. There are indeed some great guitar sound but they are soooooo noisy. Some of them are literally unusable even with a noise gate. My questions are:

    1- Is it just me? Do i have an electric problem with my computer or something like that.
    2- If it’s not just me, what do you guys do? I have tried a noise gate, EQ, etc., and didn’t work out too well.

    Thanks again!

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  • Jonathan Rasch

    I’m having the same problem. I want to have that professional, clean sound when I play EZmix distorted effects, but I get that background noise in my sound… when I don’t play the guitar still has a background sound. How can I fix this? thanks

    Ross McLennan

    Did anyone fix this issue?

    Chris LAFARGUE

    Not yet I guess I also have the same annoying issue without reason.



    Same issue here.


    a lot of noise in the background.

    Rand T

    I use Izotope RX6 spectral noise reduction to clean up a lot of the extra noise, but I also don’t use alot of the GG3 sounds so off the top of my head I don’t know if they’re way worse.

    I have a house with several dimmer switches and live next door (literally) to a power plant hub, so electrical noise is unavoidable for my demos. Even with all my dimmer switches killed, noise from any of my single coil instruments is unliveable without RX6. Bass is particularly bad. If you’re mitigating all forms of electronic interference already, you may have to settle for something like RX. Running the spectral de-noise multiple times on soft settings then stacking tracks (which I do anyway) yields good enough results for my purposes.

    I could not recommend the Izotope production suite more. RX and Ozone are life savers.



    hi all


    i think i discover most part of my problem, and it was Windows and their drivers.


    i found over internet, some people with my issue, and other users said that windows take the external usb card, as generic recoding and expand the Input signal as a standart microphone


    i mean (windows10 and lexicon alpha recording)


    down to ZERO or 5%


    i hope this could help to other users…..


    sorry for my bad english!

    Phil Lugo

    it has nothing to do with our computers. This sound is from the high gain presets of Guitar God's and it's very bad. If it was a computer problem, why isn't the popping and crackling sound on some of the lower gain presets?? Someone needs to address this properly.


    Did anyone fix this?  I am having this issue….very noisy, nothing like the demo’s before I purchased.  Currently, this is unusable.  Help, or I will need a refund.

    Vinayak Narasimhan

    Same problem. Virtually all patches on the GG2 pack are extremely noisy. Noise gates added in my DAW really ruin the essence of the patch. Has anyone found a fix?


    I had this problem. I have no idea why but I just closed and reopened my host and my project and it was gone. I think the problem is in the mixer with your routing to the master effects. Unroute it from you master? Maybe that will work?

    David Auger

    Hey everyone, I’ve been struggling to contain the noise from some of the presets as well, but I believe I found a solution, at least for the ‘Jeff – Heavy Rhythm’ from Metal Gods 2.

    In the Rack for EZ Mix 2 I put Gate 3 from EZ Mix 1 in with Gate Threshold at 30% and Expander Threshold at 40%.

    I found that the result eliminated the sound issue that I was having (a whine whenever a note ended) while maintaining the overall sound of the preset.

    I realize that everyone’s issue may be different, but tooling around with built in gates and compressors may help?

    Here’s a dropbox link for the preset file:

    • This post was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by David Auger.
    Cloud Converters


    Gerardo Reyes

    Hi, Im having a noise problem with EZmix which has nothing to do with the gain level. The annoying noise persist with any of the other presets no matter if they have a hi level of gain or not or with clean preset as well.


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