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EZkeys: Please bring an Organ expansion!

Requests and Feedback
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  • wagzisnotadrummer

    +1000! I thought I already voted for this…


    Im surprised TT hasn’t done one yet.

    Maybe they’re working on it…


    SD2.3, NYII, C&V, MC, MF, ED, Latin Perc, Twisted, Pop, N1H, Electronic, Classic, Funkmasters, Rock Solid, Blues, Indie-Folk.

    Jay Coover

    Clavinet or B3?

    Both are substantially different styles than Piano/Electric Piano playing.

    Clavinet would be a little easier to emulate. Organ covers a wide range.

    I can’t predict.

    SD 2.3 NY vol 2/Metal Foundry/C & V/Roots 1 & 2/Music City Latin Percussion/Funkmasters/The Classic/Jazz/Pop!/#1 Hits/Electronic/Twisted/Claustrophobic EZKeys 1.1 with all the trimmings


    Got to be a hammond, although that would be a hell of a sample library under the bonnet..!


    SD2.3, NYII, C&V, MC, MF, ED, Latin Perc, Twisted, Pop, N1H, Electronic, Classic, Funkmasters, Rock Solid, Blues, Indie-Folk.

    Participant I prefer this stuff to the B3 stuff. I dunno why.

    Ronald Buckner

    PLEASE in the next major upgrade to EZ Keys provide a way to export at least the chord charts. I am a bass player and it is very hard to follow the notes at the bottom of the MIDI file blocks if you spread the line out it goes by so fast you cannot read it and at the size you can read it you have to wait until the next measure appears at the end of the window.  The print out does not have to be elegant just the notes in the measures. Also, making the screen expandable (stretchable ) would be a GREAT HELP.

    Does anyone else feel this way?


    Thanks for listening

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