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EZKeys Grand – Distortion

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  • onewayout_1

    Sorry for the late reply…I just listened to the demo of both the studio and the Grand piano with a ballads verse midi. What I heard was a bit of a sizzle possibly some compression from either the console or a compressor or both which i find very complimentary to the sound.

    It also of course depends on the feel of the player playing the midi files how hard he hits the notes how much that might come through…In other words different midi might have less sizzle than others but i have found it to be a very pleasing result for mixes for my Retro keys pack.

    Is that what you’re hearing?

    Cheers, jeff

    Ernie Addezi

    Hi onewayout_1

    Thanks for taking the time to respond. I’ll try to cut back on the compression and hear if it sounds less “distorted”. However, I found this interesting thread that may explain what I am actually hearing. Let me know what you think


    Hi Tucanchu,

    Interesting post, too bad they didn’t finish it with an example and update by the forum host. …. We have been moving from the uk to the us this past week and cannot setup my pc yet. ….. I have been using these plug ins for several months and have not had any issues like this to my hears, hope you can get this resolved for you. ….I use reaper as my daw and the poster did give an update from his PT9 on that link. ..UPDATE: The ezkeys Grand Piano plugin also does not exhibit the artifacts,

    Keep us posted and yeah maybe record it for the forum host. ….let’s get to the bottom of this!

    Cheers, Jeff

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