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EZkeys 2!!

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  • Seenya

    I agree!

    Keith Dunwoody

    Another country heard from.  I use EZkeys on almost everything as a writing tool.  Main gripe is the tiny, antiquated interface.  Give it the EZbass treatment guys.  I’ve already got all the MIDI paks.  Hep a bruva out.

    Keith Dunwoody

    Bump.  We really want an EZKeys update, Toontrack. Please!  We spend a lot of money on your stuff.  Please bring EZKeys into the 2020s.


    Come on Toontracks. It’s time for an EZkeys update! I have much invested in Toontracks. You need to start listening to your customers.

Viewing 4 replies - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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