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Ezkey Chord Generator Strange behavior with Sus4 chord

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  • Scott Eshleman

    is this what you’re looking for ??



    As gseshleman said – a sus4 is using the 11th, not the 13th :)

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    You’re right, thanks for poiting that out, it’s an 11th, but that was only a typo error in my question. Sorry for that ;-)
    It does not solve the issue.

    I want the note that you have but 2 inversion going up. So I get a base note D, and on the other hand another D following by the G and the A.

    But rolling inversion up from where you show in your screenshot (inversion -3) bring me to:

    G A D (inversion -3) what is on you
    A D G (inversion -2)
    D A G (inversion -1) (big hand stretch) which is the D with no 3rd and an added 11th
    A D G (inversion 0)
    D G A (inversion 1) this is what i want but one octave too hight for the right hand only
    G A D (inversion 2) same as inversion -3
    A D G (inversion 3) same as inversion -2
    D G A (inversion 4) same as inversion 1 this is what i want but two octave too hight for the right hand only
    G A D (inversion 5) same as inversion -3
    A D G (inversion 6) same as inversion -2
    D G A (inversion 7) this is what i want but one octave three hight for the right hand only

    and it is a constant sequence from then on.

    is there a missing inversion or inversion that do not belong to a Sus4 but more to a power cord with an added 11th

    Do you see what i mean?


    Scott Eshleman

    this ???



    @gseshleman said:

    this ???


    Yes, but without the higher D at the end.

    I notice your are the Key of D Major in you screen shot. I was in G minor, and the D sus 4 is part of a progression toward another key. Maybe the inversion sequence is not static and behave differently depending on the Key your in.

    I can test it Right now, I don’t have the program running on the computer i’m using at the moment.

    It would be nice to be able to dial the chord note by note…
    Or at least in this case to treat Sus 2 and Sus 4 chords as a separate entity and not as a Power chord with an added 9th or 11th. So they get their own button on the Magic Circle user interface.

    Any Tootrack programmer reading?

    Thanks for trying to find a solution!

    Scott Eshleman



    @gseshleman said:


    Right On, Thanks a lot!!!

    So now by removing the 3rd, you get a sus 4, Is that only what you did?

    So how do you get a power chord, because I assume removing the 3rd would simply make it a power chord?
    And what if I need a Sus 2? I did tried it, but expecting the same thing that with the Sus 4

    Scott Eshleman

    sorry for delayed response
    but i’m on the road at the moment.

    you may be disappointed, surprised,
    or embarrassed to hear:
    1) i did this all in ‘standalone mode’ without the support of a DAW
    2) with my mouse & the onscreen EZKeys keyboard
    3) using EZKeys’ [Record] function,
    4) overdubbing each note of the chord in a total of 4 passes

    less than 3 minutes (including the screenshots)
    connect a MiDI controller and you can record the chord in a single pass. in EZKeys or your DAW

    in your DAW, i might even just use the piano-roll editor


    Well, surprise? Yes, I thought you found the solution. I did tried the same technic but if I need to do that, it means there is a place for improvement.

    It breaks the creative process.

    No system is perfect, and I think I hit a small limitation. I’ll keep usine the software, because it’s a great product.

    Maybe my comment will help improving the product in the future.


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