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EZdrummer1 on a Microsoft surface pro 3 – touch issue

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  • John


    EZdrummer 1 was discontinued a couple of years ago and is only supported up to Windows 8, so it’s likely it will not work correctly in Windows 10 on your Surface.
    It has no touch screen optimisations.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hello John,

    thanks for your reply!
    Playing the drums with the fingers behaves the same like klicking the drums with the mouse: the sound is played when the button (finger) is released. Therefore i come to think that maybe it’s not even an issue of the plugin alone but in combination with Windows and its touch-behaviour, i don’t know. Maybe you have the expertise and experience regarding such issues? If so, i’d very much appreciate any suggestions – but thanks anyway of course 🙂

    Do you know if EZdrummer2 and/or SuperiorDrummer behave different with touch devices (“better” so to say ;-)? I plan to crossgrade someday anyway and that’d probably accelerate that step 😉

    Thanks and Best Regards,




    I have no personal experience with touch Surfaces and Superior 2/EZdrummer 2, unfortunately.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I have used EZdrummer 2 on a Windows 10 touchscreen device (from Wacom) and it registers a click when I release my finger from the screen, so software will get the press event when the finger is released. I am not sure we can do anything about it, since it is the OS and hardware that dictates this. I need to investigate further in this matter.

    Can you try the same on your touchscreen? Simply try to click on an icon on the desktop – is it selected when you release your finger from the screen?

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

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