EZDrummer wish-list

Requests and Feedback
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  • Henrik

    Thanks for your input! We have noted your requests – as we do with all feedback we get 🙂 We can’t comment on future releases, but we are grateful for thoughts from our users!

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    Thank you Henrik! Great to see it!

    So, another for you ;-)…

    To improve the handy of Tap2Find:
    In the old BOSS DR-5 (http://www.bossus.com/products/dr-5/), there was a function to remove “on the fly” any hit on the Record Mode. This was consist on it:
    -Run the pattern in RECORD mode. DR-5 was playing it in loop and record all shots under the time position where user has hit him like in actual Tap2Find, but without Quantize options.
    -If any hit was not on the right time, user just have to let the pattern looping in record mode, and then, on the next loop, he has to re-hit the same, BUT, with holding down “Shift” button.
    While using EZD2 in standalone mode, this feature could turn user programming really fast and easy.
    This feature also could be nice in the recording mode on the timeline.

    Sorry for my bad english... I'm just a froguitarist...


    On “Edit Play Style” mode:

    Quantize option (Right-clic > Quantize on a container) affects all instruments of the kit. We need to chose different quantize values for each instrument.

    Sorry for my bad english... I'm just a froguitarist...


    In Edit Play style: right click any instrument and choose Quantize – that will quantize only the selected instrument 🙂

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    @Henrik said:
    In Edit Play style: right click any instrument and choose Quantize – that will quantize only the selected instrument 🙂  

    Thank you Henrik!

    Sorry for my bad english... I'm just a froguitarist...


    Another wish that looks impossible, but I can dream ;)…

    In DAW, while using Multichannel mode, It would be sooooo cool if DAW’s mixer could set all channel strips names automatically as in the EZD mixer. 🙂

    Sorry for my bad english... I'm just a froguitarist...

Viewing 6 replies - 16 through 21 (of 21 total)

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