Just installed EZDrummer version 1.1.1.
Mac Dual 2.7 PPC G5
2.5 Gig Ram
OSX 10.5.8
Host is ProTools HD 8.0.1 cs 2.
1. EZDrummer takes about 2 mins for Samples to completely Load…..Is this normal load-time?
2. When auditioning drum sounds via a Midi Keyboard or just using the mouse to play the GUI drums, EZDrummer will Freeze in an endless loop. I have to Force Quit to stop it.
Any tips/clues????
Also, during the installation process, I don’t recall having the installer ask me what directory to copy the sample library to. I “think” that the sample library was copy to the Mac HD system drive by default. For better performance, I’d like to move the sample library folder to my external drive where I house all my “sample Libraries”. If this is possible, what is the procedure to ‘move’ the EZDrummer sample library folder to my external drive?