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Ezdrummer For ipad

Requests and Feedback
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  • Jaime89a

    Could someone give me information about this? thank you very much.


    Toontrack never comments on future plans for releases. Fear not though, your product request has been noted by those who’s job it is to make notes of such things.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanked by: SnareManiac

    Oh this would make a great superior drummer add on. To be able to transfer just the 6-10 patches I need and take an iPad to a gig along with the brain of my ekit and leave the iPad at home. THAT would be killer cool.


    +1 from me for a Toontrack iPad product.

    I’ve recently equipped an iPad and on my Sequenzer/Sampler/Synth shopping spree in the Appstore the lack of good drum sounds was obvious.

    Something like Sampletank but with more indepth controls for drums and round robins would be nice.

    james blasko

    Resurrecting old thread. Been using toontracks drums for quite awhile. The pad processors getting better and better. So how about a toontrack drum app for iPad by now?


    Thanked by: SnareManiac
    james blasko

    Should add that garage band on th iPad is ok. But finding auria allows more options. Unless Apple comes out with a version of logic for the iPad.
    So be nice to have ez drummer iPad app . Why not?

    Jim Schmidt


    james blasko

    Thought I read next iOS update will allow AU. Interesting see what comes down the line.


    Maybe I’m being shortsighted, but it would seem Toontrack’s business model is made for iOS’s in-app purchase model. Think about it: Toontrack sells EZD2, then offers tons of add-on sounds, and tons of add-on MIDI packs. Sounds ripe for in-app purchasing.

    Plus, EZD would be amazing on the touch interface, IMO.

    Come on, Toontrack. I’ve got Auria for DAW, Sampletank for synths, and BIAS FX for guitar. Give us the drummer sampler we need!!


    Thanked by: SnareManiac
    Kip Count

    I’d like to add my voice to this. I’ve been recording DAW-style since ’99/2000 when I started with Pro Tools, moving from ADAT, and tape before that. When EZdrummer came along it was a godsend for working on a computer DAW. Years have passed and I’m appreciating recording on the iPad more and more. Auria is a wonderful DAW platform, JamUp is a tremendously great sounding guitar sim. I’ve come to appreciate a minimalist setup. I now have a Blue Yeti and an Apogee Jam, and between those two tools along with the iPad and Auria, I’ve having a great time putting together demos.

    The only missing piece is drums. I’m using Drum Loops HD, which is actually really good, but EZdrummer is obviously a different animal.

    Some flavor of EZDrummer for iOS would be an incredible tool. I do understand the limitations that come along with using iOS vs Mac OSX or Windows, but a version for iOS that is somewhat stripped down and simpler would actually be welcomed. Toontrack already has a mother-load of samples and grooves already decked out. So it would basically be porting a smaller portion of that content to the new platform and interface.

    As someone else mentioned, Apple’s in-app purchase scheme does seem like a good fit for Toontrack. Toontrack is the king of add-ons and expansions, all while keeping everything top-notch quality (not an easy task).

    I’m hoping a Toontrack iOS drum app is being worked on as I type this, or at least being actively discussed/planned.

    Mac Mini M1 | Studio One 6 | PreSonus 68c | EZD3



    Andreas Richter

    Now that Positive Grid started its ‘Drum Explorer Program’ it might speed up decision finding at Toontrack to port EzDrummer 2 as soon as possible to iPad. Come on Toontrack – be first or you might be out of the game!


    james blasko

    I’m not a program expert but I thought reading the new iOS will include au format. Certainly toontrack got to be working on something. What about a way to transfer a drum track from my MacBook Pro to iPad to use in Auria? It would be nice to have even a slim down version ex drummer 2 for iPad. If the new iOS uses au I would think it would be the the time. Maybe toontrack doesn’t want to chime in .

    james blasko

    If toontrack wants some “explorers” I would be happy to get involved.


    Thanked by: SnareManiac

    Please Toontrack, port EZ Drummer to iOS! With the new Auria Pro I now have everything I need on a super potable, easy to work with, iPad,… except for a decent drum program! EZ Drummer for iOS would be FANTASTIC!


    Thanked by: Marcin
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