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EZDrummer Demo with Roland TD Series

E-drum Workshop
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  • Klaus Wolfer

    Hi Thiery,

    just fyi, I have installed the EzDrummer 2 Demo together with Windows 10 and connected it with the Roland Midi cable UM-ONE MK2 with my Roland drum module TD-9. And it works without any additional software!

    You may check the correct midi settings in EzDrummer and the correct plugin of your midi cable into the Roland sound modul (sometimes IN/OUT has to be paired correctly). You may also test the midi connection with the free SW Tool MIDI-OX.

    Hope this helps, Klaus


    @ThierryB said:
    Do you have to buy an original program to the Toontrack Solo ?

    Toontrack Solo (or any other VST host) was required for EZDrummer 1. EZDrummer 2 can work standalone.

    Regards Reiner


    Ok Thank you both of you !!!
    I will try that !

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