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EZDrummer and DAW

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • Eric Samson

    Mee stoopid!
    I just saw I can drag and drop from EZD window to the track in my DAW.
    That’s what I wanted.

    No my new question is: When I save the project in my DAW, is the EZD song structure saved too in an EZD file?

    Eric Samson

    I did some testing, and I have the feeling the EZD file is saved within the Reaper project, but I could not find where.

    BTW: I cannot drag and drop from EZKeys UI to a DAW track, but I suppose this is because it is a demo version, right?


    Yes. Because it’s a demo.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Erix, to get a separate EZdrummer 2 project file, you should go to EZdrummer 2’s menu (in the top right corner if its interface) and select “Project/Save Project…”

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

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