hey there all, i recently installed ezdrummer 2 on my pc toshiba hi viz laptop with windows 10, the window is stuck about the size of a matchbook, hard to see text and everything, and the maximize button on the window is not highlighted to click on, can’t seem to find any other way to increase window size, does anybody else have this problem or any insight as to how to increase window size?
I’d suggest changing your screen resolution, at least while using EZDrummer2.
I use Mac’s and have no experience with Windows 10
but I believe that you can set up “Display Profiles” to ease switching screen resolutions back-and-forth for specific software.
Or perhaps that may have been 3rd-party software that enabled that function.
yea, i tried changing screen resolution and it just made everything zoomed in on my screen so my menu bar was inaccessable amongst other things, maybe i did’nt do it right i dont know
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