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EZdrummer 2 to Superior Drummer upgrade

Requests and Feedback
  • WarBeer


    I’m thinking about upgrading to Superior Drummer, however, I have several sound/midi libraries. Do any of these transfer over. Do you offer credit for those purchases? I’d really like to progress with Superior, but I’ve already put a lot of $$ into EZ.


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  • Scott

    All Toontrack MIDI packs and EZXs and SDXs can load in S3.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    That’s great to hear! It looks like the SDX expansions are quite different from the EZXs. Is there crossover in the SDX or are they completely different and better? Will any EZXs installed still be 16 bit…or does it pull these from a 24 bit library?


    • This post was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by WarBeer.

    EZXs are pre processed for ready to go sounds. Less tweaking involved. SDXs are raw and need to be mixed. There are some presets in the SDXs but for the most part users choose the Superior line of products because the sounds are raw.

    Both EZXs and SDXs contain sounds and MIDI. The MIDI is unique and there is no crossover. There are some libraries that were released both as SDXs and EZXs. Like the Independent SDX and the Indie Folk EZX. Of course, the SDX has more instruments, more articulations, a larger sample pool, sound raw, contain more bleed, more channels in the mixer, etc.

    EZXs can load in S3 but will sound the same and the word length of the samples isn’t changed.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Is Superior Drummer much more resource demanding as a plugin vs EZdrummer 2?


    As a plugin, not really. But S3 can load its own internal plugins and they are also used in S3 presets so the resources are more when loaded.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    is it posible?

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