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EzDrummer 2 + Presonus Studio One – Can’t get muti channel output to work

E-drum Workshop
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  • Scott Eshleman

    while every DAW is slightly different, most will have some method for configuring multi-output VSTs.
    I think Logic Pro X and Pro Tools use the AUX track method while Studio One appears to use an “expanded output” method.

    I don’t use Studio One but 1:18 into this video shows the ‘quck 10-second guide’ to doing this with SuperiorDrummer.
    shouldn’t be any different for EZ.


    Ok I tried that like the video. It appears that Studio One does not see EzDrummer 2 as having multiple midi outputs.

    Scott Eshleman

    I can’t test Studio One for you bu it works for me in Pro Tools 11 and Logic Pro X.
    Have you downloaded and applied all of the EZDrummer2 updates?
    How about Studio One updates?


    i know is an old post, but to clarify


    how to route separate tracks on Presonus Studio ONE:


    open ezdrummer-mixer and set multitrack mode

    in the plugg effect, open the route tracks, and assing waht you want to show:




    Thanked by: Markyman
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