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EZDrummer 2 Demo : “You must be logged in as administrator” – Cannot install

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • John


    since you write that you do not have the Right-click option to ‘Run as Admin…’ I’m wondering if you are browsing the ZIP archive instead of first Right-clicking and ‘Extract all…’?
    Also, please check the solution for this user’s similar problem:

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor



    I’ve extracted everything. I’m talking about the installer .exe here. When I right-click, the option is visible – it’s just greyed-out and cannot be selected.
    There is only one user account on my PC, and that’s the admin account, so it’s 100% sure that I’m logged in as admin.

    BTW that link doesn’t work for me. “Access denied – you do not have permission to view this page”.

    Moderator said:

    Ok so its fixed now on my 8.1 computer. On a clean install of Windows 8.1 Pro (8.1Pro has different Admin settings initially) the Administrator account is disabled. It can be unlocked in computer management tool. Go into users and right-click Administrator account and choose Properties, then uncheck the box to enable the admin account and you are done. The Administrator account is now available to switch to at your Start Screen. Download from the account and it will enable you to finish the install with no problems or you can go to your C:/users folder to install from your user download folder. Make sure to run the application as administrator or it will crash on startup. I hope this helps anyone who’s done a clean install on a Desktop as apposed to the Surface Pro which will install perfectly.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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