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EZDrummer 2 Demo says 10 day period is over

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  • Scott

    Linux is not a supported OS for EZdrummer 2.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hello Scott,

    I have to say I’m a bit puzzled by your response. I am, of course, aware of the fact that you (as a company) do not support other OSs but I wouldn’t have thought that you (again, as a company) aren’t interested in my money either. So that when a guy like me attempts to do work for you, which may or may not, result in the fact that a couple of more people end up buying your product, it should be considered a good thing. But apparently I don’t know enough about business.
    So that leave me with a thank you for pointing out the obvious and I guess I’ll take my money elsewhere.

    Kind regards


    It wasn’t obvious from your post that you were aware of the supported OSs. I apologize if I came off as unhelpful.

    Please contact Toontrack directly if you’d like to discuss them supporting a new OS (I know Linux isn’t a new OS but it would be for TT).

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I would also jump all over this. I absolutely LOVE EZ Drummer 2, but with a linux system now I can`t even use the version I have on the same computer as my DAW.


    I like to support the idea of fixing this ’10 day period is over’ under Wine.

    I understand that Linux is not supported for EZ Drummer, but most likely with very minor effort from Toontrack and a little communication with the wine developers, this could be fixed. If the demo would run, there is a non-negligible audio user community in Linux that might be of commercial interest and would purchase this program.

    Other professional audio tools, like for example Melodyne, also work near flawlessly under wine, which convinced me after I could test them successfully with a demo version.

    Fully supporting Linux would surely even be better.


    I was able to get the demo up and running via wine. There was a small visual rendering issue but it was acceptable for me. Disclaimer: I did NOT buy the app due to the lack of support for Linux. I do Love EZDrummer and would buy it if the company would offer even the slightest bit of support for Linux!


    @keenan.travis: Do you mind sharing which steps you took to get it running? Did you install specific components of wine? Which version? – Thanks.


    @keenan.travis said:

    I was able to get the demo up and running via wine. There was a small visual rendering issue but it was acceptable for me. Disclaimer: I did NOT buy the app due to the lack of support for Linux. I do Love EZDrummer and would buy it if the company would offer even the slightest bit of support for Linux!

    Hi Keenan! I would love to know how did you make the demo run. I’m having the same issue as you did. It install beautifully, but then in says that the demo period is over. Quite anoying.

    Thank you!!


    I am also having a problem , I am a win7 user , downloaded the free trial , and installed with no issues , unfortunately the minut I started it up gave a free trial version is over ,
    retried the download and same issue ,
    I really would like to try the product before I put out any money on something I am not sure will work .
    Is there a temporary code you can send , if not I will have to start looking at other products , a shame because it looks good only I cannot test it .
    Hope to hear from you soon Sparky 🙂


    For the record: I finally could install the EZ Drummer 2 demo version in Wine, using Wine 2.17 (as easily available in PlayOnLinux), without any special tweaks.


    I too am having the same problem

    Windows 11 – never tried or used this program before.  I was considering purchasing but went to try the 10 day trial.  Registered, downloaded launcher and everything downloaded and installed perfectly.  Went to open it and suddenly this 10 day trial I was supposed to get, says expired…wtf?

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