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Ezdrummer 2 demo not triggering td-15 properly (not a latency issue)

E-drum Workshop
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  • Juicy

    The Click hits on the interface are at full velocity (127)
    as the TD 15 has the ability to give 1-127 you will hear a difference, probably only registering around 80-100 no biggie really .
    I wonder why people so easily equate softer as less good, responsivness is part of EZD’s goodness
    Now once you get your head around this plus not expecting the Roland module to “react” the same as EZd in terms of velocity as they are two different engines.
    Play louder or adjust the Sens on the module per pad. for example i have my sense for Kick drum right up and 25 and cyms around 12-15 as i don’t want to hit it so hard all the time but want the louder hits to trigger like you do. I just a personalisation that takes 2 mins to do.

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