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EZDrummer 2 demo installation

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • Michael


    Please make sure that any and all pending windows updates are installed before trying to install EZDrummer 2.

    If this alone does not solve the problem please try turning off UAC just for the duration of the install.

    See this link about UAC.

    Once the installation is finished you should turn UAC back on though.

    Michael Sanfilipp - Toontrack
    Technical Marketing Coordinator

    Miguel Ballara

    Thanks for the response, however, now when try to install it gives me an error message that among other things say “it can’t find certain file”, then stops the installation. I’m interested in the upgrade, but frankly if it is so complicated I would have to think twice about it.Cry

    Music should be part of your life!



    It sound like you are getting this error:

    Please find the answer at the above link.

    Michael Sanfilipp - Toontrack
    Technical Marketing Coordinator

    Miguel Ballara

    Thanks Michael, apparently that was it. Kind of weird though, but I’ve got it!Kiss

    Mike B.

    Music should be part of your life!

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