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EZDrummer 2 and DTXtreme III

EZdrummer Pre-sales
  • wphall

    Hello- Brand new to this crazy and interesting world of eDrums.

    I’m most certain the answer is “Yes”, but before I put down the money…

    Is it easy to get my DTXtreme III kit (upgraded to DTX900) to basically plug and play with EZDrummer running on a Macbook air (i7, plenty of power). I just basically want to plug in and play.


    PS- Yup, I did a search first. Found lots of older stuff, nothing recent.

    2015 MacBook Pro: 16/512ssd, EZ2, SD2, SD3

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  • John


    if your Yamaha module is set to Yamaha standard, it is a matter of plugging the USB cable in, starting EZdrummer 2 and selecting the Yamaha E-drum MIDI Preset.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Very good. Wanted to make certain and thank you!

    2015 MacBook Pro: 16/512ssd, EZ2, SD2, SD3


    This is exactly what I use. Have fun!

    Intel 13900K, Windows 11 , Cubase Pro 13.0.30, Studio One, 64GB RAM, UA Apollo x4 and UA Apollo X8 Thunderbolt,, 64 sample buffer size, Radeon 570, 42″ 4k monitor

    MIDI controller: Roland A-37, Jamstik Studio, MCU Pro + expander
    Drum Brain: Yamaha DTX 900, RHH135 hihat, 2 crash and 1 ride cymbal, 4 toms.


    Glad to read others are using this setup.

    I haven’t been able to get it to work yet. Installed EZD2, selected Yamaha under eDrums midi, and the module isn’t triggering the software. I installed Yamaha’s driver for OS X and plugged the DTX900 into the mac via USB.

    Any tips? Thx!

    2015 MacBook Pro: 16/512ssd, EZ2, SD2, SD3


    In Settings > Audio/MIDI Setup, did you put a check mark in the box for your MIDI Device?

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Howdy- Thanks for the tip. Tried that with no luck. Will to try and reset the module and see what happens. Will report back later today.


    2015 MacBook Pro: 16/512ssd, EZ2, SD2, SD3


    Yes! Got it to work. I had to go into the DTX module and select USB as the MIDI port out.

    Everything works except that toms 1 and 2 on my DTX are both triggering tom 2 in ezdrummer. I’ll have to figure out how to map everything correctly.

    This is awesome! Can’t wait to start playing!

    Thanks for the help!

    2015 MacBook Pro: 16/512ssd, EZ2, SD2, SD3


    Check that your module sends note #48 (alternatively #81) on Tom 1.
    Don’t think the 5 Toms in EZdrummer 2 are Yamaha standard, IIRC but changing that note should trigger the 1st.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanks for the help. It took remapping the keys on a few of the toms within the DTX900. All mapped out and working great.

    Thx again! Great forum.

    2015 MacBook Pro: 16/512ssd, EZ2, SD2, SD3


    Wow! I now have everything working. Once I figured out the mapping, it works like magic. The EZDrummer samples are fantastic. This has opened up an entirely new world for me as an eDrummer. Very excited!

    Great product.

    2015 MacBook Pro: 16/512ssd, EZ2, SD2, SD3



    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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