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EZD & SD Cryptic Groove Names in Sequencer Track

Studio Corner
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  • John


    it is explained in this thread:


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Unable to link to and read the response given by John – give the below message –
    “Access is Denied.
    You either don’t have the right to access or have attempted to access private area.
    Please login with sufficient credential or click here to go back to forum’s home page.”

    I am a registered owner of EZDrummer – what other authority do I need to read the explanation to which John has linked?

    Thank you for your time.


    I can’t find your forum email address in the registered user database. Please follow the instructions in the forum Read Me post.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thank you, Scott – for your time and assistance. I’ve been away from this computer for a while, and just got back to reading this again. I did manage to get around my immediate issue in EZD, but would still love to get to read the post linked to above (by John).

    I also tried to go to the link you gave me, and once on that page, the link ( for registered user to go to the “official support area”, ALSO gives me a message that I don’t have the authority.

    The more exact text is:
    Access is Denied.
    You either don’t have the right to access or have attempted to access private area.

    Please login with sufficient credential or click here to go back to forum’s home page.

    I’m sorry to be posting what may seem to be a ‘support’ ticket HERE, but it appears to be the only place I’m ALLOWED to post (and it is about this topic, that I’m trying to get the answer to).

    Thanks again, for all your time and effort.


    Thank you, Scott – for your time and assistance. I’ve been away from this computer for a while, and just got back to reading this again. I did manage to get around my immediate issue in EZD, but would still love to get to read the post linked to above (by John).

    I also tried to go to the link you gave me, and once on that page, the link ( for registered user to go to the “official support area”, ALSO gives me a message that I don’t have the authority.

    The more exact text is:
    Access is Denied.
    You either don’t have the right to access or have attempted to access private area.

    Please login with sufficient credential or click here to go back to forum’s home page.

    I’m sorry to be posting what may seem to be a ‘support’ ticket HERE, but it appears to be the only place I’m ALLOWED to post (and it is about this topic, that I’m trying to get the answer to).

    Thanks again, for all your time and effort.


    From my link:

    If, as a registered Toontrack user, you are unable to access the Official Support area by following this LINK please contact the Support Team using the support webform located at , including the serial number for your product and your forum ID (login name at this forum).

    Please follow the support portal link and request access to the support forums.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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