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EZD Panning

E-drum Workshop
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  • Scott

    Can you post a screenshot of the mixer?

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Clean Reals



    Not all panning is center. Kicks channels, snares channels are center. Hi hat is just left of center. The rest are stereo panned L/R and are positioned around the stereo field.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Clean Reals

    How is it that I hear toms playing left to right like a real kit but they are all on one mixer track?


    How is it that I hear toms playing left to right like a real kit but they are all on one mixer track?

    It’s a stereo channel with all the toms panned within the preset. They can’t be panned separately within that preset.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Clean Reals

    What happens if I upgraded to superior like this

    ezdrummer in Logic on exisitng song > install superior > go to track that has EZd on it > replace Instrument
    what would happen to the drum performace/midi and how would the routing of individual tracks change?


    It depends.

    World you be running the same library and preset in S3 as in EZD2? Would you be using the default S3 library?

    If the former, there will be no difference.

    If using the S3 library, the MIDI should map properly, but the S3 library may have the toms on their own mixer channels.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Clean Reals

    If I buy SD3 what is the size of the default install (of the samples) on disk. Note, without installing any unnecessary samples.

    • This post was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Clean Reals.

    There are many different sounding kits in S3. You should check out the audio and video demos on the S3 page to hear what it sounds like.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Clean Reals

    Regarding EZd in Logic I just for the first time created multi-output ezd. I then selected the drum midi regions in tracks view and used Bounce In Place soloing the drum tracks one at a time. The drums do not sound the same once bounced even though I bounced every ezd mixer track in Logic. See attached


    Regarding EZd in Logic I just for the first time created multi-output ezd. I then selected the drum midi regions in tracks view and used Bounce In Place soloing the drum tracks one at a time. The drums do not sound the same once bounced even though I bounced every ezd mixer track in Logic. See attached

    No Amb, Amb Mono, and Comp channel bounces? That’s probably why it doesn’t sound the same.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Clean Reals

    So if I bounce the kick it combines Kick In and Kick Out right? If I wanted to separate those in Logic but have them in mono how would I do that?


    It will bounce depending on which output you route the particular channel to.

    8 stereo channels are available in the EZD2 mixer for outputs. I don’t use a Mac or Logic as a DAW so I’m not sure how multi out is handled it that DAW.

    How i might set up the routing is:

    Kick: output 1
    Snare top: output 2
    snare bottom: output 3
    Toms: output 4
    Hi hat: output 5
    Oh: output 6
    Amb/Amb mono: output 7
    Comp: output 8

    Then you can use the mixer in EZD2 to balance the amb and amb mono before bouncing and still have level control of the other channel after bounce.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Clean Reals

    But in your example kick: output 1 is actually Kick In and Kick Out right?


    Yes. You can balance the 2 kick channels in the EZD2 mixer before bouncing. You can do the same with snare top and snare bottom if you wanted to.

    Most of the time I don’t need a separate hi hat channel. So i bus the hats to the OH channel and you can have kick in, kick out, snare top and snare bottom on their own bounced fader.

    There are lots of ways to do it. When I’m mixing, I hate sifting through 20 channels of drum tracks. Give me 4 channels. Kick. Snare. Drums L/R (all the rest combined).

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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