I am looking for a rhythm generation process to use as backing tracks for a duo Jazz guitar/vocal scenario.
I would like the solution I find to be quick and easy to use with authentic, not overplayed, jazz grooves. Not the superfast be-bop stuff, but more in the jazz standards salad & swing genre. Think Misty, Autumn Leaves, Come Fly with Me, Black Orpheus etc.
So I am not bothered about being able to tweak the tension of every spring or skin on every drum, just that they sound realistic and that the grooves sound authentic. I am not precious/bothered that they might sound the same as a hundred other users of the same drum machine. It is all down to the groove and the tone for me.
So will EZD do the trick? Or do I really need something more sophisticated (SD or some ‘other’ brand….)
And if EZD will work, which expansions/grooves etc should I get to go with it. There doesn’t seem to be any info on the web site about what actually comes with the basic package, just lots of ads for buying more packs.
BTW, I would be using this on a Mac with probably Logic (as I have that installed).
Many thanks