EZD don't follow signature changes on Cubase

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  • Lex Lux

    You have to do the time signature changes yourself in SD3. It only follows the tempo from you DAW. So if you’ve made time signature changes inside of your DAW, you have to do the same in SD3. It’s fairly easy. It’s in the manual I believe.

    | Mac mini M1 | Monterey | UAD Arrow | Reaper |

    Lex Lux

    Oops.. I had the exact same problem yesterday in SD3, and didn’t read your post thoroughly enough. Don’t know about EZD. But maybe it’s the same.

    | Mac mini M1 | Monterey | UAD Arrow | Reaper |


    I have some bars signature changes on my Cubase Pro project, but EZDrummer refuse to follow them. It’s ok for BPM changes, but not for signatures.

    Is EZD2 able to follow host on it’s feature? And if it is, how?


    Time signature is not passed on from the host to the plugin like Tempo is, so there is no way for the EZdrummer 2 plugin to “know” that there has been a Time signature change. In Superior Drummer 3 this is solved by having an internal Track that can have Tempo and Time signature edits, e.g. by importing a MIDI file from the host timeline or creating the same changes on the SD3 track, reflecting the host timeline.




    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hum… In three words: “Song Position Pointer“…

    I’m not programmer, but I fear this is not so hard to implement…

    Et voilà… 😉

    Sorry for my bad english... I'm just a froguitarist...

    • This post was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Spawn-X.
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