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EZD 3 and Ram

Studio Corner
Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Spirit

    So, it won’t appear anymore ?

    Modern Day Catastrophists

    • This post was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Spirit.

    It shows you in the top right hand corner.


    I don’t see anything ( I must be blind). I see the kit and the presets, but don’t see memory.  But, thanks for answering !

    Modern Day Catastrophists

    Andrew Payne

    Top right in Drums Tab – also shows if 16-Bit in case you ever want this. see attached circled in red RAM-1

    Dell Precision 7730, i7 6 Core 2.6 GHz, 128GB RAM, 1TB SSD and 3 x 2TB SSD, Cubase Pro 13, SD3 plus a variety of SDX's and EZX's, Orchestral Percussion, EZBASS, RME BabyFace Pro FS and KRK V4 monitors. Modified Yamaha DTX900, DTXPRESS4 and Edrumin10 triggering SD3. Yamaha pads/cymbals and Roland VH-10 HiHat.


    Thanks, Andrew !

    Ok for SD3, but it’s not the same for EZD3.

    Modern Day Catastrophists

    Michael Burstein

    It would be very helpful if TT made the bandmate have a way to record directly into the software like on EZ Bass instead of importing audio from another source. Just saying… Thanx

    How do you get a drummer to stop playing? Put a chart in front of him. ha ha ha

Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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