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EZBass . . .yet again

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  • Richard Grills

    I just want to add my support for this comment. I have been a guitarist for 50 years with some minimal keyboard capabilities. I have been using EZDrummer and EZKeys for a while now and love both products. I also invested in an EZMix bundle which is not as impressive as I had hoped. I use Cubase 7.5 which has so may great music creation features including some preset mixing solutions similar to those in EZMix.

    However the biggest struggle for me is getting a really good bass line to go with any music I create or covers I am playing with. I have a midi keyboard and a Roland guitar synth. Playing bass with either of these is not very effective as the Roland is touchy and doesn’t play like a real guitar and a keyboard cannot be played like a guitar.

    I have tried Amplesound’s MIDI Guitar product. They offer Bass solutions but to be honest you have to be a good keyboard player to use them. They intend to add bass rifts to their product soon, but based upon my test of their guitar product I suspect it will be very limited.

    Having a EZBass product in Toontracks portfolio would be awesome.. I have nothing more to say about that, Your system is the best and adding bass guitar to the mix would be the final step providing us with all that we need. I hope it is in the works.


    Frans Schoffelen

    I have already written i on this one a couple of times and just now on the one above this post. I can’t express enough however how important it is for the market share of EZ drummer and EZkeys to fill the gap. Before someone else does.


    Yes… Look and feel of EZKeys but with bidirectional hooks into EZDrummer so you can find bass lines and drum patters that work together. Kinda like “Hey EZBass play me bass line that goes with this beat”.. or “Hey EZDrummer play me a beat that goes with this bass line”. That would be super cool and I think huge time saver for a lot of people willing to pay for it. It would be almost impossible to have EZDrummer without EZBass (or vice versa) then (= more $$$ for Toontrack). Groove Monkey is kind of doing this without the EZKeys functionality. Hopefully someone will come up with a product soon.

    Garry Stubbs


    Those posts were very prescient. I think today Toontrack may just have given you (us) what we have been looking for.


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