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EZ Routing

Studio Corner
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  • John


    having a fixed set of Stereo outputs from the plugin gives much more flexibility in the long run, considering the variety of existing EZX:s and what might come in the future.
    Fixing a set of Mono outputs, “locks” the plugin more to less possible mic combinations. When all are Stereo, you still have the option to pan in your host.
    I haven’t seen the video you’re referring to but what I do is to pan e.g. the Kick fader hard to the Left in the EZdrummer mixer and the Snare to the Right and then route both to output 2. In Pro Tools, I create 2 Mono Aux Tracks and set one of them to the L input and the other to the Right input. EZdrummer Tracks that are Stereo in the EZdrummer mixer, I keep in Stereo in Pro Tools.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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